Pushing at the end of an array with end+1
Here is a basic exemple:
% Define an empty array
A = []; % A is empty
% Push a value at the end
A(end+1) = 18; % A now contains 1 element
A(end+1) = 19; % A now contains 2 element
A(end+1) = 20; % A now contains 3 elements
>> A
A =
18 19 20
This syntax is particularly useful to fill up an array at every iteration of a loop. Note that it is generally considered a sub-optimal syntax and pre-allocation should be used as a golden rule whenever possible:
% Pre-allocate the array
A = NaN();
% Fill the array within a loop
for i = 1:100
A(i) = randi(i);
Note that though the offical documentation generally pre-allocate arrays with zeros, pre-allocating with
But there are cases where the size of the resulting array cannot be predicted before the loop begins. Pre-allocation is then suboptimal, and one has to increment the size of the array whenever a new element has to be inserted; in these cases the
% Define an empty array
A = [];
for i = 1:100
% Some random condition that makes the final array size unpredictable
% Here: wait a random fraction of a second, get the number of seconds
% in the current time and check if it is above the number of minutes.
tmp = clock;
if tmp(end)>tmp(end-1)
% Extend the array size and assign the value
A(end+1) = i;
Finally, it is also possible to use the
% Define an empty array
A = NaN(0,2); % A is a 0-by-2 empty array
N = 100;
for i = 1:N
% Some random condition that makes the final array size unpredictable
% Here: draw a random number below the current index and compare it
% against a random number below the loop size.
r = i*rand(1);
if r>N*rand(1)
% Extend the array size and memorize iteration index and value
A(end+1,:) = [i r];
Deleting array elements
To remove an element (or a set of elements) from an array, the elegant way simply writes:
A(I) = [];
In the case of multiple-elements deletion, this syntax is definitely the most efficient and elegant way. But note that for removing a single element the
% Define an array
A = 1:10;
% Array concatenation
A = [A(1:4) A(6:end)]; % Takes ~4.3e-6 seconds on my laptop
% Direct deletion
A(5) = []; % Takes ~8.9e-6 seconds, twice as slow!
Using strings as arrays
In Matlab, strings are arrays of
>> s = ['abc' 'def' 'ghi']
s =
>> s = ['Hello' ; 'world']
s =
Indexing also works the same:
>> s = 'Hello world !'; % Define a string
>> s(7:11) % Select a substring
ans =
>> s(s=='o') = '*' % Replace all occurence of 'o' by '*'
s =
Hell* w*rld !
>> s(1:2:end) = '#' % Replace one every two letters
s =
#e#l# #*#l# #
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